Hebrews 1 |
Jesus Christ is Superior to Angels |
Jesus is presented as the Son of God who is superior to the angels. He is the heir of all things and the one through whom God made the universe. |
Hebrews 2 |
Warning Against Neglect |
Readers are warned not to overlook the salvation offered by Jesus. Jesus's humanity and suffering are highlighted to show his role as a perfect leader and salvation source. |
Hebrews 3 |
Jesus Greater than Moses |
Compares Jesus to Moses, emphasizing Jesus's superior faithfulness and exhorting believers to hold firmly to their faith. |
Hebrews 4 |
The Promise of Rest |
Discusses the promise of rest that remains for the people of God and emphasizes the importance of faith and obedience. |
Hebrews 5 |
Jesus the High Priest |
Jesus is depicted as a high priest in the order of Melchizedek, who offers perfect salvation through his suffering and obedience. |
Hebrews 6 |
Warning Against Falling Away |
Encourages spiritual maturity and warns against falling away, while also reminding of God's faithfulness and promises. |
Hebrews 7 |
The Priesthood of Melchizedek |
Further explores the significance and superiority of Melchizedek’s priesthood as a type of Christ's eternal priesthood. |
Hebrews 8 |
The New Covenant |
Describes Jesus as the mediator of a better covenant and introduces the concept of the new covenant prophesied by Jeremiah. |
Hebrews 9 |
The Earthly and Heavenly Sanctuaries |
Contrasts the old covenant practices with the sacrifice of Christ, who entered the heavenly sanctuary once for all. |
Hebrews 10 |
Christ's Sacrifice Once for All |
Highlights the insufficiency of animal sacrifices and the ultimate efficacy of Christ’s single, perfect sacrifice. |
Hebrews 11 |
Faith in Action |
Celebrates the faith of key figures from the Old Testament and encourages believers to live by faith. |
Hebrews 12 |
God Disciplines His Children |
Urges believers to endure hardship as discipline from God and to live lives of holiness and peace. |
Hebrews 13 |
Concluding Exhortations |
Includes various practical instructions, encouragements, and a benediction. |